The Khaja Education Society was established in the year 1958 and registered in the year 1966 under Mysore Societies Registration Act 1960, by Late Padmashree Janab Syed Shah Muhammad Muhammad Al Hussaini Saheb. Presently more than 24 educational institutions comprising of Primary, Secondary and Higher Educational institutions are managed by this minority Society in Gulbarga.
Khaja Education Society was initially created to nurture the hopes and aspirations of Muslim community. However its philanthropic approach and compassion for the unprivileged sections of the humanity has enabled it to provide path-breaking service since its existence. It has been working for the upliftment of all, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
In the year 2007, Janab Dr. Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini ably succeeded his illustrious father Janab Syed Shah Muhammad Al Hussaini. Backed with an impressive academic background Dr. Hussaini is an idealist with a keen eye for practical details.
It is the vision of Dr. Khusro Hussaini, the President of Khaja Education Society to establish a University by name “Khaja Bandanawaz University (KBNU)” bringing under its ambit all the Higher Educational Institutions run and managed by Khaja Education Society. It is his efforts which have now brought these institutions to the present level. With the experience in running a number
of Higher Educational Institutions for nearly five decades, the management under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Khusro Hussaini has thought it fit to establish a Private University at Kalaburagi.
The Khaja Education Society applied for a Private University to the Government of Karnataka on 23rd Feb., 2017. The inspection of the Higher Educational Institutes of the Society was conducted by the Screening Committee constituted by the Higher Education Department of Government of Karnataka.
After satisfying with the basic infrastructure and requirements available with the institutions of the society, the Government of Karnataka passed the Khaja Bandanawaz University Bill 2018 in both the houses of Legislature.
The Bill received the assent of His Excellency the Governor of Karnataka on 19th April, 2018 and published in the Karnataka Gazettee Extra-ordinary on 21st April, 2018. After the Gazettee Notification of Government of Karnataka bearing No. ED 244 URC 2018 dated 23rd August, 2018 the KHAJA BANDANAWAZ UNIVERSITY came into existence. The Government of Karnataka vide its notification No. ED 07 URC 2019 dated 08-02-2019 granted permanent Minority Status to the Khaja Bandanawaz University.
The Managing Committee of the Sponsoring Body i.e., Khaja Education Society in its meeting held on 27th August, 2018 resolved to appoint His Holiness Dr. Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini as the First Chancellor of the University.


The Chancellor
Syed Muhammad Ali Al Hussaini

The Vice Chancellor
Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi