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Artificial Intelligence And Data Science: Insights, Practices And Applications & Valedictory Ceremony - Day 12

Artificial Intelligence And Data Science: Insights, Practices And Applications - Day 12: 15th June 2024 Deep Learning: Theory & Practices,  organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Session 1: PCA and Autoencoder, Applications of PCA and autoencoder and Basic GAN Case Study using MNSIT dataset.

Valedictory Ceremony:

Following the completion of all the sessions, a valedictory ceremony was organized on 15th June 2024.Dr.M A Baseer,Director IQAC and Deputy Controller of Examiner, Khaja Bandanawaz University, was the Guest of Honour of the function. The event provided ample opportunities for participants to express their gratitude and share their insights gained during the FDP. Dr. Vishaldutt Kohir,FDP Coordinator, shared the event's highlights with the dignitaries and participants. Dr Sameena Banu, Convener of the FDP, shared a vote of thanks to end the program. Certificates of participation were distributed to acknowledge the active involvement of the faculty members.

Industry-Relevant Skill Development:

Faculty members gained industry-relevant skills, enhancing their ability to collaborate with industry partners, contribute to real-world projects and prepare students for careers in AI, ML and IoT-based applications in engineering.

Research Output and Publications:

The FDP focused on hands-on training and practical applications on AI and ML. As a result, the program is expected to increase the quantity and quality of research output, leading to more publications in reputable journals and conferences.


Enhanced Research Competence:

Participants in the FDP acquired skills and knowledge in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This heightened competence will enable faculty members to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to advancing engineering disciplines.

Curriculum Enrichment:

The FDP empowered faculty members to integrate AI and ML into their teaching curricula for contemporary applications. This integration will ensure that students are exposed to the most up-to-date tools and methodologies, preparing them for the rapidly evolving landscape of engineering research and industry applications.


The Faculty Development Program on " ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA SCIENCE: INSIGHTS, PRACTICES AND APPLICATIONS” proved to be a resounding success. Participants gained in-depth knowledge and practical skills, empowering them to integrate AI and ML effectively into their teaching and research activities. The FDP enhanced participants' expertise and fostered a collaborative learning environment, contributing to the institution's overall academic excellence.


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