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Day - 2 Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on “Bridging Knowledge from Diverse Disciplines for Global Change BKDDGC-24”

The day two 7th March 2024 began with the first session by Dr. Anoop Mathur, Chief Technology Officer, Terrafore Technologies, LLC University of Minnesota, USA on the topic “Innovation Happens at Intersection of Disciplines”. He threw light on various aspects of the intersection of neural science and technology. This session was followed by oral and poster presentations by Research scholars and faculty members of Sciences arrived from different universities and institutes of the country.


 The next session was taken by Dr. Meraj Ahmed Mubarki, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication, Maulana Azad Urdu University, Hyderabad. His topic for the session was “Influence of Movies in Shaping Public Perceptions”. He delivered his talk on how cinema impacted the lives of human beings. He also referred to some salient films in his talk along with impactful Bollywood cinemas.


The afternoon session of the day was taken by Dr. Saleh S Sharkah, Dean, Faculty of Languages, Al Baydha University, Yemen, on the topic “Bridging Knowledge: The Intertwining Threads of Cultures in Literary Expression”. This session was followed by oral and poster presentations.

The next session was carried out by Prof. V Shyamkumar, Chairperson, Dept. of Biotechnology & Microbiology, Karnatak University, Dharwad. He delivered his talk on “Biologically Inspired Material for Sustainable Development” stressing polymer and macromolecules. The last session was taken by Dr. Mohammed Iqbal AK, Research Associate of Chemical Engg., Hayang University, South Korea, on the topic “Ideation and Creativity in Research and Development”.


During the valedictory function the organizing secretary of the conference, Dr. M A Mujeeb, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, KBNU while presenting the brief report of the conference informed everyone that the total number of participants registered for the international conference was more than 500. Sixty-three participants registered for poster presentation and more than 50 were selected for oral presentations and a total of 10 Invited Lectures from different disciplines stitched together for a common goal that is global change and sustainable development. He also highlighted and extended his heartfelt gratitude towards the efforts of the management and University administration in encouraging and supporting this kind of events every now and then to ignite the scientific temperament among the students, scholars and faculty members. The two-day international conference came to its end with a valedictory session where Dr Sunil Panwar, IFS, was the chief guest and Dr. T V Sivanandan was the guest of honour. The Hon’ble Pro-Chancellor of KBN University, Janab Syed Mohammed Ali Al Hussaini Sahab also graced the occasion and congratulated the organizing committee on the successful completion of the conference and emphasised on the need of such activities for the overall betterment of the society and humanity at large and the vision of Khaja Bandanawaz University to ‘educate humanity’.


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