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Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day was organized by Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences KBN University, in KBNTGH on 15/10/24 at 10 am to 1 pm. More than 200 students and faculty participated for the event.


Pre event hand hygiene training was conducted in KBNTGH for Group D workers and nursing staff  by students of MBBS Phase II 2022 batch. 200 Pamphlets were distributed by the students in hostels, nearby food places and shops for creating awareness about importance of hand hygiene. Pamphlets were also distributed to the OPDs, laboratory, ICU, general wards and blood bank and patients.


Global Handwashing Day event was hosted by Dr Syeda Firdaus Nusheen, 2nd yr PG student from Dept of Microbiology, KBNU - FOMS.


Program started with welcome speech by Dr Syeda Firdaus Nusheen. Demonstration of hand hygiene for group D workers and nursing staff was done by Dr Rimsha Serwish, Senior Resident Dept of Microbiology. Group D workers, nursing staff and students were made to perform hand hygiene. This was followed by lecture on Hospital Infection Control by Dr Shilpa Pradhan, Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology, KBNU – FOMS


Poster competition was conducted for MBBS Phase II students 2023 batch students on theme “WHY ARE CLEAN HANDS STILL IMPORTANT” It was judged by Dr Rajshree Paladi mam, Dean - Research, Prof, Dept of OBG, FOMS, KBN University


Mam addressed the students about the importance of hand hygiene and encouraged them for research work. Prizes were distributed by Dr Rajshree Mam. Group 2 won the 1st prize and Group 12 won the 2nd prize.


Program ended with vote of thanks.


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