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International CME in "Recent Advances in OBG"

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBG), in collaboration with KSOGA, successfully organized an International Continuing Medical Education (CME) on “Recent Advances in OBG” on January 5, 2024. The event took place at the KBN Auditorium, FOMS-KBNU, running from 9 am to 5:00 pm


The program was Inaugurated by the Honourable Pro Chancellor, Janab Syed Ali Al Hussaini, Vice President of Khaja Education Society. He highlighted the significance of normal deliveries in comparison to caesarean sections. The Honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof Ali Raza Moosvi, also addressed the gathering, highlighting the academic achievements of KBNU over the past year.

The event was graced by Registrar (i/c) Ruksar Fatima, Dean FOMS Dr. Siddhesh Sirwar, Medical Superintendent Dr. Siddaling Chengty, IQAC Director Dr. M.A Baseer, Deputy Dean Research Dr. Guruprasad, and KSOGA President Dr. Vidya Thobbi.

The organizing chairperson of the International CME, Hon Secretary, KSOGA, Dean Research KBNU, Dr Rajshree Paladi noted that the conference marked significant milestone as the first of its kind in the Kalyana Karnataka area. Distinguished international speakers shared their insights both online and offline, connecting from the USA and Australia.

Over 300 delegates actively participated in this International CME, benefiting from informative developments in obstetrics and gynaecology. The expert speakers covered a wide range of topics, spanning from old practices to cutting-edge advancements in the field.

Morning session was followed by lunch.

The afternoon session focused on panel discussion, academic drills and role plays addressing practical issues in OBG practice such as communication with patient’s attenders highlighting closed loop communication while dealing with high risk cases, thus enhancing the learning experience for the attendees.

In conclusion, the International CME on “Recent Advances in OBG” proved to be a remarkable and informative platform, fostering knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals and contributing to the enhancement of obstetrics and gynaecology practices in the region.



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