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Participation in one day International Conference

One day International Conference organized under the joint aegis of Smt. Viramma Gangsiri Mahavidyalaya, Kalaburagi and All India Mahasabha, New Delhi. Topic on Various dimensions of comparative Hindi literature was organized on 03/02/2023.


Under the guidance of Dr. Deshmukh afshan begum students from the under graduate Department of Hindi Khaja Bandanawaz University presented the paper and Published the article in ISBN book.


The following students presented the paper in International conference


1. Shifa Saher-Bsc III sem

2. Azka ahsanat- Bsc III sem

3. Ruqhiya parveen- Bsc III sem

4. Safa mariyam- Bsc III sem

5. Mariya firdous Bsc V sem    


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