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Poetry Reading Programm

The Department of English, Faculty of Languages, Khaja Bandanawaz University, organised a poetry reading event on 08 November 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:00pm in order to encourage students and faculty members to read more poetry. The students from the Department of English recited poems of their choice. The theme of the poems chosen was Contemporary Poetry. The subjects of the chosen poems ranged from personal to political. Bushra recited "Luminol" by Kamala Das while Shahbaz read "Hunger" by Jayanta Mahapatra. Iqra and Shabra recited "Missing Person" by Adil Jussawala and "The Bus" by Arun Kolatkar respectively.

The recitation was followed by a lively interview which was a part of a segment called "Meet the Poet" with Prof. Nishat Arif Hussaini, Dean, Faculty of Languages and Chairperson, Department of English. Prof. Nishat Arif Hussaini writes on diverse subjects and her poems have appeared in many anthologies and magazines. The interview was moderated by Mohammed Shujauddin Safi, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English. The discussion during the interview centred on reading the poems and included questions relevant to the art of writing poetry. Prof. Nishat expressed the need for poetry in our lives and expatiated on the process of writing poetry. The audience also got a chance to interact with the resource person. Zainab, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, welcomed the Chief Guest and explained the significance of contemporary poetry. The members of the staff which included Dr Maimoona Saradgi, Asst. Professor, Department of Urdu recited a poem penned by herself. The other staff followed suit. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr Athiya Sultana, Asst. Professor, Department of English. The event was attended by the faculty members from the Departments of Mathematics, Journalism and Mass Communication, Urdu, Physics and students. Refreshment was served to all the participants.


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