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Professional Development Programme: For Teaching and Non-Teaching

Professional Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching faculties was conducted by UGC- Malaviya Mission Teachers Training Centre (UGC-MMTTC), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Khaja Bandanawaz University,  Kalaburagi,  at Lecturer hall 2,Forensic Medicine Building,  KBNU campus on 21st  and 22nd  February 2025.

Day-1(Training for Teaching Staff):21/02/2025

The programme was Emceed by Dr Sana Ejaz, Asst Professor, Mathematics Dept, FoS, & commenced with Qirat of Mr. Nabeel MBBS Student. Mr Vilayat Ali, Registrar, KBNU has welcomed the gathering .The welcoming presence created an inviting atmosphere that resonated with all in attendance. Dr Raafiya Gulmeher, Asst Prof, CSE department, FoET, KBNU, introduced guest speakers with genuine admiration and respect, highlighting the speaker's impressive credentials and achievements. Her words built anticipation, ensuring the audience was eager to hear the insights and wisdom that the guest speaker was about to share.

Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Vice Chancellor, KBNU  addressed the gathering, reflects gratitude for the warm welcome, highlights key points of the event, and shares his thoughts . His words inspire, motivate, and encourage the audience while reinforcing the importance of the event's theme and leave a lasting impact on the attendees. He mainly focused on online educational platform and said, In pandemic online education platforms came into existence and they are the only mode to learn and teach. Teachers have to undergo timely training to keep themselves updated. Things will change with the changed mind. Self assessment is necessary for the teachers. Indian students are preferring abroad studies in search of change in atmosphere. That’s why it is important for our country to change the atmosphere of education with new advanced technologies.

The first session was started with the lecture of resource person Prof. Saneem Fatima, Director(i/c), UGC MMTTC, MANUU. She spokes about MOOCs dealt with the definition, meaning, importance and advantages of Massive Open Online Courses. She also brief out the basic philosophy of MOOC i.e. 3As- Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone. A detailed discussion was done about SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds).

She manifested step by step procedure to be adopted by the Universities for opting MOOCs on Swayam portal. Further she also explained about Swayam plus, Swayam Prabha, Academic Bank of Credits(ABC),Credit Transfer etc. During question and answer session, Prof.Saneem Fatima addressed all concerns and clarified the doubts of participants. The Certificates were distributed to the participants after Completion of the session.

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Basheer, Director IQAC and Controller of Examination, KBNU proposed Vote of Thanks and delivered a brief yet heartfelt speech expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the event's success. He acknowledge the Chacellor,Vice Chacellor, Deans Heads ,Speakers, Organizers, and attendees for their time and efforts.

Day-2(Training for Non-Teaching Staff):22/02/2025

The second day of FDP was about the training programme of Non teaching staff.

Welcome of the dignitaries was delivered by Y. Afroz Fatima, Asst Registrar, KBNU by warmly greets the audience, setting a positive and inviting tone for the event. She acknowledge the presence of esteemed guests, speakers, and attendees while briefly highlighting the purpose of the gathering.

Mr. Muqtar Ahmed, Asst Registrar, KBNU introduced the guest speakers to Non-Teaching staff of KBNU.

The resource person Dr. Abdul Rasheed Shaikh, Deputy Registrar (UGC -MMTTC) MANUU, HYD spoke about administrative planning and role of administrators. He explained the importance of Loyalty, Computer literacy, Reviews, Reporting, Forms and Procedures of Communications. He demonstrated about merging the mails. He answered the queries of participants during the interaction session.

Later, Prof Saneem Fatima, Director(i/c), UGC MMTTC, MANUU conducted one small activity to show the importance of team spirit and unity.

Valedictory Programme:

The two days Professional Developing Programme for faculties was concluded with  valedictory function.  The Chief Guest was His Excellency, Janab Syed Muhammad Ali Al Hussaini, Chancellor, KBNU and Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Vice Chancellor, KBNU.

The programme was began with the Qirat by Student Shaan. All the dignitaries were felicitated and were acknowledged by the significant contributions, accomplishments, or services.

Resource Person, Prof. Saneem Fatima highlighted the report of two days training programme.

Dr. Shaikh Kamal Mohammad Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, expressed his views and experience about Teachers Training Programme. Mohd Nawaz Ahmed, Section Officer (IQAC) shared his outcomes about Non Teaching Training Programme.

Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi , Vice Chancellor KBNU spokes about the training and articulate that “Smart work” matters more. Working effectively with more fruitful output is important. This training will make the staff specific and professional. Non teaching staff adds quality to the output of the University as academics and administrative are interlinked. Such trainings will increases the capability of staff and KBNU has many more plans for the training of staff in upcoming days.


Speaking at the occasion, His Excellency Janab Syed Muhammad Ali Al Hussaini, Chancellor, KBNU conveyed his message by appreciating faculties. His valuable words were “Staff is the driving force of any University”. Review of the teaching and non teaching staff is helpful for more productivity. Invention should be never ending. Sense of ownership is must in each and every employee. Upgrading and Self realization plays an important role to grow up. He further added, efforts from each employee is must because University progresses if all staff will progress.

Mir Vilayat Ali, Registrar proposed the Vote of thanks. Mementos to the guest speakers were presented and Certificates were distributed to all the participants.

In essence, the valedictory function was a significant milestone that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another by collaborating KBNU with UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, Hyderabad.



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