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Special lecture on “Machine Learning Techniques for Structural Strength Prediction”

The Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FoET), KBN University, organized a special lecture on "Machine Learning Techniques for Structural Strength Prediction" on March 10, 2024. The event aimed to explore advanced methodologies in machine learning and their applications in predicting structural strength, offering valuable insights to students and professionals in the field.


Technological advancements have completely transformed the way civil engineers operate, making it crucial for civil engineering students to familiarize themselves with cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). In line with this objective, the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Khaja Bandanawaz University organized a special lecture on Machine Learning Techniques for Structural Strength Prediction. The resource speaker was from NITK Suratkal.

During the first part of the lecture, the speaker Dr. T Palanisamy elucidated the fundamentals of machine learning and its operational mechanisms. In the subsequent segment, the focus shifted towards how ML can be effectively utilized to monitor the structural integrity of existing buildings and anticipate potential failures. By analyzing data patterns, ML techniques like Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Trees, and Random Forests have shown promise in predicting the compressive strength of materials such as concrete.

The session was highly interactive, with active participation from the students. The program commenced with a recitation from the Quran, followed by a warm welcome from the Head of the Department, Dr. Syed Maulana Hashmi. An overview of the program was provided by Program coordinator Dr. Mohd Nazeeruddin, Asst. Professor, Civil Engg. Dept.

Program was started with recitation of Quran from Hafiz Md. Owais student of BE 4th sem. Anchoring was done by Md. Kashif of BE 6th semester. The introduction of the guest was given by Md Asfan Baghban from BE 8th semester and finally vote of thanks was given from Md Maroof of BE 8th semester.

Overall the program was actively organised by the students of Civil Engineering Dept. Under the guidance of program coordinator.


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