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Jointly organized by




The State level Workshop will provide direction for future research and development by identifying key problems and their viable solutions. This workshop aims to share the concept with the participants of various disciplines related to Mathematics & Physics, to acquire the knowledge of recent developments in Astronomy , Star clusters & GAIA Data, to introduce the essentials of astronomy , solar systems, Exoplanets, star formation and evolutions.

With an objective to acquaint the students with knowledge of correlation between Mathematics and Astrophysics and the topics that are not included in the present curriculum, Department of Mathematics and Physics jointly organized a Two Days - State Level Inter- Disciplinary Research Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Astrophysics & Space Science (AMAPSS-2023) on 17 and 18 March, 2023.


It was the workshop conducted by Department of Mathematics & Physics, Khaja Bandanawaz University, and Kalaburagi-Karnataka for Research Scholars and PG students across Karnataka. The resource persons were the faculty members of Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. They were Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan from Department of Mathematics and Dr. Priya Hasan from Department of Physics.

The workshop primarily has two-fold objectives:

1. To introduce the concept of Astrophysics and GAIA Data:

Astrophysics is the branch of physics which deals with universe like celestial objects like stars, galaxies and also the interstellar space and their interactions. Main objective was to introduce astrophysics, its applications which are concerned with finding out the measurable implications of physical models and figure out the observational consequences of those models. GAIA Data carried out observations of known asteroids within our solar system, providing data on the orbits and physical properties of these bodies.

2. To Illustrate the connection among the Stars:

The purpose of this workshop to show the connection among the stars and the Clusters. To determine distances, ages and Extinction of the stars. It includes the evolution of our Sun.

DAY 1:17-03-2023

Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan explained the origin of the Universe and Exoplanets and Dr. Priya Shah Hasan explained the importance of Telescopes for Observing the Universe. The session was followed by Hands on session on Kepler Data by both Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan and Dr. Priya Hasan. They taught the students how the same can be analysed using an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data software called as Topcat.Dr. Priya Hasan explained about the Solar luminosity and the connection among the stars. She says, A star is a big ball of gas, with fusion going on at its centre, held together by gravity.

She discussed about the Galileo, the famous astronomer who marked an important revolution in astronomy, scope of innovations in making telescope and there are many types of telescopes invented so far. Biggest telescope is of 2mtrs which is run by Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Hoskote, Bangalore and it is located in Ladakh, India. She explained about the different telescopes, their magnification, resolution and where they are located. Topics covered are stars exploding, Black holes colliding, Rate at which the universe is expanding. During Day 1, Students participated in question & answer session held.

DAY 2:18-03-2023

On Day Two, Dr. Priya Hasan explained the evolution and death of Stars and also the connection among the stars under the topic: Stars and Star Clusters. Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan delivered a talk on the World of Galaxies. The session was followed by Hands on session by both Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan and Dr. Priya Hasan. The students were given Kepler Data Assignment and they solved enthusiastically.

Dr.Priya explained how we all are connected to the stars. A star is a big ball of gas, with fusion going on at its centre, held together by gravity. She explained about the star formation and their regions using graphical images. In this session, she also explained about the Clusters and its types. One more important topic was covered on day 2 about GAIA data and the session was concluded with the question and answers with the speakers.


The resource persons were the faculty members of Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. They were Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan from Department of Mathematics and Dr. Priya Hasan from Department of Physics, Maulana azad National Urdu University (Central University), Hyderabad.


The Department of Mathematics & Physics, Faculty of Science, Khaja Bandanawaz University has organized a Two Days State Level Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Astrophysics and Space Science (AMAPSS-2023) which was inaugurated today by the Chief Guest Prof. Ruksar Fatima, Registrar, Khaja Bandanawaz University and the Guest of Honour Dr. Deepak Samuel, Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Central University of Karnataka and other dignitaries. Speaking on the occasion, the chief guest opined that a university can flourish only when the faculty and the students are involved in active interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research which is the need of an hour. Dr. Deepak Samuel explained the importance of data in this age and referred to it as the oil or gold in terms of its value.

Dr. Nishat Arif Hussaini, the Convener of the Workshop maintained that the Khaja Bandanawaz university is committed to promote the scientific temperament among its students and faculty and these initiatives are taken up for the same.

Prof. Syed Najamul-Hasan from Department of Mathematics and Dr. Priya Hasan from Department of Physics, Maulana Azad National Urdu (Central) University, Hyderabad, addressed the students and presented his talk on “Essential of Astronomy and Solar System”. Dr. Priya Hasan talked about “Exoplanets and Star Formations”. She further spoke on the Kepler’s research and motivated the students to pursue research in the field of Astrophysics. Today’s session was concluded with hands-on in lab using TOPCAT software to analyse the Kepler’s available data. On day two, they are expected to discuss on stars and star clusters, the world of galaxies and hands on session with GAIA Data. This workshop will prove to be a boon for all who love astronomy and want to make a career in Applied Mathematics and Space Science.

More than 200 participants participated in the workshop. The event was a successful one. The workshop was relevant to the title and were well-appreciated by the students. After completion of this workshop students have felt encouraged to explore these areas further.


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